Promise Land Farm

 Our Mission
We believe that God has a plan and a
purpose for all of us but sometimes life
beats us up and leaves us worn and
disillusioned. Promise Land Farm
welcomes the ones who have lost hope,
are broken hearted and have fallen
through the cracks of this world.

Through real farm work and relationship
building we give people the skills and
opportunities that they need to find the
path and promise they were meant to

” For I know the plans I have for you ,
declares the Lord, plans to prosper you
and not to harm you, plans to give you
Jeremiah 29:11

Partnering with our community
In 2022, Urban Vine & Promise Land Farm
provided 22 high needs group homes with
Farm Fresh Meal Prep Kits for 20 weeks.
These baskets were sponsored by business
owners in the area. Our goal was not only
to provide healthy food baskets, but also to
build relationships with the residents in
these homes. Many have been alienated
from friends and family because of
behavioral and emotional issues.

Our mission was a success and as a result of
these relationships, we have been able to
host our high need friends at
Promise Land Farm throughout the 2022
summer season!